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Updated Geologic Map of Hawaii

11:18 PM · Nov 8, 2021

Detailed geologic map of the Hawaiian Islands by the USGS showing the previous volcanic eruptions, lava flows, and other geologic features. The maps cover the eight main islands, and provide estimates as to the ages of many past lava flows based on radiometric ages and geochemical analyses compiled over the last century. "[The map's] presentation in digital format allows the rapid application of geologic knowledge when conducting field work; analyzing land-use or engineering problems; studying onshore or nearshore biologic communities; or simply understanding the relation between the geology, scenery, and cultural history of the Hawaiian paradise." The map expands upon the work done in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s by Harold Stearns and Gordon Macdonald, Wolfe and Morris's maps released in 1996, and by more recent mapping done by Frank Trusdell and others in 2006. Due to the inaccuracy of old maps prior to modern survey technology, a large amount of work was put in to geographic fit newly acquired precise data with legacy maps. The margin of error is 100m, but in practice the map usually performs within 50m in testing done on Maui and Kaua'i. The full resolution maps are available here: Credit to David Sherrod, John Sinton, Sarah Watkins, and Kelly Brunt, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3143