Barricades Placed at Four Corners, Kumukahi Lighthouse
Following the end of construction on Highway 132 in 2019, people began walking and the driving over about 700 feet of remaining lava from the 2018 eruption that then connects back to the old lighthouse road. It appears like the trail has been well traveled. There was a berm of loose fill placed at the trail head at Four Corners that has evidence of several trucks driving over it. Large rocks were then placed at the primary access point, but was not sufficient either it appears. Now there is a berm and several barricades that prevent access. The Lighthouse road was included in the package that included Pohoiki Road now approved by FEMA. However, there is still work being done in land management being addressed, like preserving burial sites at Pu'u Kukae. Statement from the Kilauea Recovery Team and Hawaii County Department of Public Works; "Since the completion of Highway 132, issues have arisen from vehicles crossing the lava flow covering, and adjacent to, Lighthouse Road as motorists seek to access a newly formed beach at Kumukahi. This activity has involved trespassing on private property. Additionally, parking has been occurring along the shoulder of Highway 132, which is not permitted The County recognizes the loss of ocean access and open space in lower Puna following the 2018 Kilauea eruption; however, the area around Kumukahi includes sensitive natural and cultural resources, and there are no lifeguards nor public facilities, such as restrooms. Access by emergency personnel also remains challenging. With this in mind, barriers were recently installed to prevent unauthorized vehicle access. As part of the recovery planning process, the County is exploring ways to provide managed access to this area in order to protect natural and cultural resources and public safety. No decisions have been made on restoring Lighthouse Road at this time, and we appreciate the public’s patience as these challenging issues are addressed.”
It looks like at least one of them didn't stay there long.
May 19, 2020