Hwy 132 Closed After Whiteout Steam Conditions Lead To Traffic Accident

1:17 AM · Mar 10, 2021

Lower parts of Highway 132 repaved following the 2018 eruption of Kilauea near 4-corners has been closed until steamy conditions subside. The large amounts of rainfall in the last couple of days has created a whiteout of steam, leading to one accident already. Visibility is practically zero in the location the road has now been closed. HPD, in order to respond to the accident, had to get out of their patrol cars and proceed in on foot to assist. Since then, the roadway has been closed until further notice, waiting primarily on the steam to subside and visibility to be restored. The majority of Highway 132 does not have the same conditions, but where the steam is concentrated the visibility gets very poor, very quickly.


Ouch. They said earlier that the visibility was poor, but they didn't say it is that poor.

Mar 10, 2021


Additional road closures: Hwy 11 at mile marker 60, north of Honuapo/Whittington Beach Park and Wood Valley Road near 96-2332

Mar 10, 2021