Traffic On Hawaii Island Back To 2019 Levels, HDOT Data Shows

2:49 AM · Apr 6, 2021

In the most recent update to traffic flow data provided by the Hawaii Department of Transpiration, the amount of vehicles passing through traffic sensors strategically placed around the islands has shown a return to pre-pandemic levels. At the height of Stay-at-home orders in April 2020, Hawaii Island saw roughly the traffic flow cut in half from the previous year, by the end of March 2021 the slow return to 'normal' traffic levels has practically been completed. Looking at the neighboring islands, Hawaii Island is the closest to 2019 levels, with Maui not far behind. Traffic on the H1 and H-3 on Oahu are still roughly 8-15%, and on Kauai the reductions are slower to recover, now at 18-25% reduced from the 2019 Annual Average Daily Traffic estimates. Data for the last year and sensor locations are provided in the graphics by HDOT. Data from HDOT: