USGS video: When will Maunaloa Erupt Next?

7:12 PM · Jan 29, 2021

As part of Hawaiʻi Island's Volcano Awareness Month 2021, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory has released a video update on the status of Maunaloa, with the take-away message that "An eruption is not imminent", and yet "people should be aware of the hazards": "Because Mauna Loa has been quiet for almost 30 years, residents may not be aware that Mauna Loa is an active volcano. When Mauna Loa erupts, it is capable of disrupting lives and commerce throughout the Island of Hawai‘i. What can we learn from Mauna Loa’s past eruptions? What are the signs we need to look for in the future that might portend the next eruption of the world’s largest active volcano? Join USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory geologist Frank Trusdell, who has studied Mauna Loa for two decades, as he presents his talk about Earth’s largest volcano."