Moonbows Rise and Set at Kilauea Volcano. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

2:43 AM · Apr 3, 2021 Please enjoy watching a lunar rainbow rise out of Kilauea volcano. Nature can be so incredibly beautiful even when the weather isn't. This night was a true example of that. The weather forecasted was not at all what you would hope for when looking for moonbows. It rained literally the entire time I was there and the fog was the thickest I've seen it for 90% of the night. So I knew going into this mission that there was a very strong possibility there wouldn't be much to see. My soul was yearning for the adventure so I went anyway. Rainbows are special to many people for many reasons. I have my reasons too. The universe speaks to us in multiple magical ways. This night it spoke to me in the form of Moonbow Magic! These time lapse videos were taken all on the same night in different areas at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. I spent the night chasing the moon, but mostly getting chased by the weather. It was by far one of the foggiest nights I can remember spending at Kilauea. For most of the night Halema'uma'u's glow was hidden from view at Kilauea overlook, Steam Vents and a few more view points from further down the road. I had succumbed to the fact that this was now more of a recon mission and probably not a photography mission. Then right when I thought it wasn't possible, the clouds parted for a short period of time, twice. I remembered a spot the King of Moonbows. Sean King, had took me to during a super moon event a few years ago so I headed straight there. Lucky I listened to my gut because about halfway there I observed a moonbow setting and it inspired me to keep adventuring till sunrise. After the moonbow disappeared I headed back up to the summit of Kilauea. At Kilauea summit a moonbow rises out of Kilauea and fades away as sunrise turns into daylight. Saturn and Jupiter are also rising in this scene. Here's a short compilation video of moonbows rising and setting in Volcano Park after being graced with a few breaks in the clouds. As soon as the moonbows were no longer visible, the clouds came back in and obscured the view once again. Out of a 12 hour moonbow mission there were only a couple hours to observe and document these unique scenes. I'm incredibly grateful to share these other worldly experiences. Hope you like them! Mahalo for watching!