Seeking Descendants to Kapoho/ Kumukahi Burials

8:10 PM · Jul 17, 2021

The status of Lighthouse rd remains closed to the public as measures to protect iwi kūpuna (burial sites) are explored at Cape Kumukahi. According to the County of Hawaii: "Measures to protect iwi kūpuna need to be put in place prior to the road reopening. That requires coordination with lineal descendants of the area and property owners, who also will be consulted on future management plans for the area." ~ Office of Mitch Roth To find and register lineal or cultural descendants with the Hawaii Island Burial Council, the 501c3 non-profit, Wai Welawela is putting on a free workshop on August 1st at Uncle Roberts. The sign up process for the workshop will be handled through e-mail, please send requests and questions to Workshop: August 1st, 2-3:30pm, @Uncle Roberts, Kaimu