Renovation Proposals of Uncle Billy's and CCC Hotel To Be Selected Next Month

9:44 PM · Mar 24, 2021

The formally known Uncle Billy’s Hilo Bay Hotel and Country Club Condominium Hotel on Banyan Drive will have renovation proposals selected next month, according to Hawaii DLNR. After years of studies, setbacks, and negotiations the old facilities built on State land on Banyan Drive are approaching a decision and the signing of a new long-term lease. -- An evaluation committee, reviewing proposals for the renovation of two Banyan Drive properties, is wrapping up its work. An announcement is expected in April, on the Selection for Proposals for Banyan Drive Properties, which involves the renovations of the former Uncle Billy’s Hilo Bay Hotel and Country Club Condominium Hotel. The committee is evaluating proposals that were submitted in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP), published in August 2020. DLNR reports the RFP garnered interest from both local and mainland developers. Despite the impacts of COVID-19 on tourism and the overall economy, multiple proposals were submitted. The number of proposals and identities of the entities that submitted them can’t be disclosed at this time. Once the evaluation committee selects proposals for the two properties, the DLNR will present the selections to the Board of Land and Natural Resources for review. If the Board approves the selections, the next step will be to negotiate development agreements and new leases for the properties. DLNR Chair Suzanne Case said, “We believe that the renovation of the properties under new long-term leases, as with previously renovated hotels on the peninsula, will contribute greatly to the revitalization of Banyan Drive, making it a destination for residents and tourists alike.” The evaluation committee includes members from the Hawai‘i County Banyan Drive Hawai‘i Redevelopment Agency, the state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, and DLNR representatives. Banyan Drive Aerials, courtesy of DLNR


This has definitely been in the works a while now, glad there is some real progress toward revitalizing these properties

Mar 24, 2021